
La del manojo de rosas (The girl with the bunch of roses)-2010-2011
June 22 – 23 – 25 – 26 – 28 – 29 th, 2011
Libretto: Francisco Ramos de Castro and Anselmo C. Carreño
Musical direction: Josep Caballé-Domenech
Stage direction: Emilio Sagi
Stage design: Gearardo Trotti
Wardrobe: Pepa Ojanguren
Lighting: Eduardo Bravo
Choreography: Goyo Montero
Cast: Sabina Puértolas, David Menéndez; Luis Varela…
Orchestra: Bilbao Symphony Orchestra
Choir: Rossini Choir
Production: Campoamor Theatre, Oviedo
- 22 June 2011 Teatro Arriaga 20:00 h.
- 23 June 2011 Teatro Arriaga 20:00 h.
- 25 June 2011 Teatro Arriaga 20:00 h.
- 26 June 2011 Teatro Arriaga 20:00 h.
- 28 June 2011 Teatro Arriaga 20:00 h.
- 29 June 2011 Teatro Arriaga 20:00 h.
Venta de abonos, a partír del 24 de junio.
Venta de entradas, a partir del 16 de septiembre.
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‘The girl with the bunch of roses’ was first performed in Madrid at the Fuencarral Theatre in 1934, a Tuesday the thirteenth. It is a lyrical farce in two acts set in the square of a Madrid neighbourhood.
As its author Pablo Sorozabal states in his autobiography ‘My life and my work’: “… that a Basque educated in music in Germany… seeks to write a farce in two acts with the action taking place on the same date as the opening night… that does not enter anyone’s head.” Remember that three years previously, the Second Republic had been declared. However, this story about a florist, proud of her working class background, who was being courted by a mechanic and a pilot, which also features a manicurist, a scrap iron merchant and a waiter, nicknamed “the walking encyclopaedia” due to his verbal diarrhoea, enjoyed immediate and absolute success, that endures today.
This production, which is produced by the Campoamor Theatre, is stage directed by Emilio Sagi, grandson of Emilio Sagi Barba and nephew of Emilio Sagi Vela, both great baritones, the first the impresario of the Fuencarral Theatre and the second the actor who played Joaquín, the mechanic in love, in 1934.
Calendar of Events
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* La compra con descuento para personas abonadas solo puede hacerse en la “zona personal” de web, o en taquilla.

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IV. Samba
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VIII. In memoriam; March: “The BSO forever”
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*Primera vez por la BOS
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